What Is Alcoholism

What Is Alcoholism

Alcoholism or Alcohol use disorder is a problematic pattern of alcohol intake, which leads to clinically significant impairment or distress in a person’s life. The presence of the following symptoms can recognize a person suffering from Alcoholism:

● Overconsumption of alcohol than was initially intended.
● Persistent desire and unsuccessful efforts.
● Intense cravings to consume alcohol.
● A lot of time is spent in activities revolving around alcohol – trying to obtain alcohol, use alcohol or recovering from the effects of alcohol use.
● Disruptions in daily routine and functioning at work, school, or home due to recurrent alcohol use.
● Continued alcohol use despite having frequent social or interpersonal problems.
● Repetitive alcohol use in physically dangerous situations.
● Increased tolerance for alcohol.
● Important social, occupational or recreational activities are given up due to alcohol.
● Alcohol withdrawal.
● Alcoholism is Mild, Moderate or Severe, depending on the number of symptoms exhibited by a person.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Withdrawal occurs when a person reduces or stops consuming alcohol after heavy or prolonged alcohol use. The symptoms that develop due to this cessation or reduction in alcohol consumption are together known as Alcohol Withdrawal and are characterized by:

● Sweating
● High pulse rate (above 100bpm)
● Hand tremors
● Lack of sleep
● Nausea or vomiting
● Hallucinations or illusions
● Anxiety
● Loss of balance
● Blackouts or temporary memory loss
● Slower reflexes
● Blurry vision
● Restlessness

Withdrawal causes significant impairment in social, occupational and other important areas of functioning and is caused due to Alcohol Consumption.

Physical Effects of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol use disorder generally results in the afflicted person having feeble physical health. Repeated intake of high amounts of alcohol can affect nearly every organ system in the body, especially the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and central and peripheral nervous systems. Alcohol addiction causes gastritis, stomach ulcers, liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis. There is also an increased rate of cancer of the esophagus, stomach and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. It commonly causes low-grade hypertension and also leads to a higher risk of heart disease.

Why Do People Drink?

People become addicted to alcohol over time. Most people start alcohol use as a recreational activity. However, over time, dependency on drinking is developed to deal with life situations. Some of the most common reasons for drinking are:

● To relieve stress
● To cope with the loss
● To overcome anxiety
● To overcome intense emotions like fear, sadness, shame or loss.
● To overcome trauma

However, drinking hardly helps to deal with these situations or emotions and ends up becoming a bigger problem.


Treatment for alcohol addiction requires a holistic approach which starts with de-addiction and results in rehabilitation. Medication is used to control drug craving and relieve severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms in the initial stages of detoxification. Short-term and long-term therapeutic interventions at a De-addiction & Rehabilitation Facility can help the afflicted individual understand their behaviour patterns, intrinsic motives and the workings of the disorder. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous further help towards a sustained recovery.

Every individual is unique and treatment, which is designed considering this, is generally far more effective. However, for most people, a combination of group and individual therapy, conducted at a safe environment of a deaddiction and rehabilitation facility, is found to be most effective.

If you or a loved one is suffering from substance addiction, Call Us at +91-8669567929 to get help today! We have multiple forms of treatment available to those suffering from substance addiction. Call today to get started on your journey of Sobriety!

ZORBACARE is a premium Drug & Alcohol Deaddiction and Rehabilitation Centre located in Pune. Zorbacare specializes in treatment for men and women suffering from the ill-effects of drug abuse or alcohol abuse.

Contributed for Zorba by Ketaki Redij, Psychological Counselor & Therapist.

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