The world has faced and come through a most trying time in the Covid-19 pandemic. Not a single person has been left unaffected. We have lived in an absolutely abnormal way these last so many months. In these times we have been locked in, unable to conduct our usual daily schedules and activities. We have lived in close proximity locked into our homes with no mental space. This has been a challenge to many and led to different sorts of coping which for many has led to mental health issues. Many people are experiencing different sorts of emotional responses leading to anxiety, depression, anger, uncontrolled drinking or dependence on description medication, and for some strain in the closest relationships. The best rehabilitation center in India, Zorbacare is reasonably priced an offers a proper guidance.
We are now approaching the opening up which people are calling the new normal. It is imperative to understand what we went through, how our mental health has been affected and what we need to do to care for our mental health in the future.
A very necessary part of coping with the new situation is going to building new routines, and new coping skills to be able to maintain peace of mind. Meditation is going to be a necessary part of our daily lives to help build the Mental Immunity to the rigours of the new normal. This is a way to keep our minds fit to cope with the emotions we will face while living with the hanging sword of the Corona virus.
Being cooped up in the home even with loved ones is stress producing. An active daily inventory of emotions caused by living in close proximity with family is very necessary. Awareness of ones emotional state helps in avoiding negative responses when others’ behaviour is not to our liking. Learning to be aware is something one can learn by going to mental health professionals like Zorbacare our rehab in Pune.
Keeping active in the confines of the home is a challenge that can be addressed by going back to the calisthenics learnt in school. P.T. in short. Keeping our cardiovascular system will help in countering the threat of Covid-19. Immunity will stay boosted and overall health will improve.
Keeping active mentally is a must. Learning new things, new skills, following new topics of interest all help in keeping one in an energized state that combats the sameness of lockdown life.
Lastly but most importantly connect to people. Not on social media but in reality. Phone or video call the people you call your own. Stay in touch with friends and family. Everyone needs to be reached out to. If you are feeling down share with them.
If we do these few things our balance of mind will generate a serenity that will help us deal with all the new stresses that are sure to come in the post lockdown world.