If your spouse drinks a lot it sometimes is difficult for the partner to understand that they have a problem. Drinking for some people is a way to relieve stress, loosen up or engage in social settings. Although drinking in moderation or social drinking is not the same for everyone. A few people cannot stop after a few drinks. Excessive drinking can have serious implications on your home life, health and home life. Here are a few signs that help you identify that your spouse should stop drinking.
- Healthissues
There are several medical issues and health issues that are involved with the overconsumption of alcohol. The most common of all is hangover. Getting a hangover once is not a sign but having frequent hangovers is definitely an indication that your spouse has a drinking problem. Hangovers include headaches and vomiting the next day can harm the body if they happen on the frequent basis. Another sign of alcoholism is having delirium tremens or withdrawal symptoms. If your spouse is getting DTs if they have gone one day without a drink this is a strong sign that they require alcohol withdrawal treatment. Long term health risks include heart diseases, liver diseases, cancer and weakening of the immune system. It might also lead to various mental health issues line alcohol disorders including anxiety, depression and dementia.
- Blackouts
Blackout is a temporary condition that affects person’s memory. It is characterized by a sense of lost time. They occur when body’s alcohol levels are high. Blacking out leads to prolonged where the person has no memory of where he was and what he did. If your spouse is blacking out it means that your partner has ingested way too much of alcohol at a very fast rate, which harms their mind’s ability to create long-term memories. It might lead your partner to do things they normally would not do. This might include damaging property, spending money that you both would not spend normally and even may land up in jail. Blacking out periods could be embarrassing they can also be a serious concern for your partner’s health.
- Swearing
An alcoholic wants and tries to stop drinking but after a consequence occurs they will emerge remorseful. When this happens the alcoholic swears that they will not drink and would never touch a drink and they do mean it when they say it. However they will repeatedly stop and start over and over again because they are addicted to the substance. When they swear and promise they would not touch the stuff again they actually mean it but they cannot abstain themselves from touching the substance. In such cases your spouse requires alcohol withdrawal treatment there are various rehabs in India and a few are specially set up for alcohol withdrawal treatment. Swearing is the biggest sign that your loved one has an alcohol problem.
- Covering up
If you are covering up for your loved one’s drinking this is also a sign that your spouse needs help. You can reach out to any alcohol rehabilitation centre which is convenient to you. You might be trying to avoid having guests in your house and missing out on social gath erings and social events because of your spouse’s drinking. You might also cover up for them at their workplace like lie to their bosses to keep them out of trouble, making excuses etc this is a strong indicator and a strong sign your spouse requires help. The flipside is that they promise you that they would stop drinking and they start over again which leaves your mind in a confused state.
- Familyand friend’s concerns
Friends and family might be the first ones to approach you about your partner’s drinking problem. If they do approach you about your spouse’s changed behavior or alcohol consumption it is very important to take their words into consideration. Usually you are confused rather than being in denial. They might be able to recognize and notice that your partner has an issue far before you are able to see and understand that your spouse’s behavior is abnormal. It is easy to ignore their concerns but it is a better idea to work on their concerns and listen to their ideas. It is ok to seek help. Your kith and kin would often be willing to help you readily if you need help with your spouse to get him or her better.
If you think your spouse is showing any of the above signs immediately reach out for help. Reach out to us we will help you find yourself a right interventionist.