Meth is a highly addictive and dangerous drug that has been slowly gaining popularity in India in the last few decades. Made popular by the TV show ‘Breaking bad’, meth addiction has been taken as a serious problem, with more research and treatment options being provided for it. But what is meth and what does it do?
What is ‘Meth’?
‘Meth’ or Methamphetamines are a drug that is a Central Nervous System Stimulant made from Amphetamines and other chemicals. It is available as meth which is a crystalline powder that is odorless, bitter and can be dissolved in a liquid; usually white, can also be yellow, pink or brown depending on its composition. It is also available as crystal meth which comes as coarse crystals that are clear/ opaque or blue in color. Drug dealers typically mix it with other drugs to sell it for a bigger profit margin which puts the user at risk for multiple side effects. It is consumed through smoking, snorting or injecting and it is sometimes also compressed into a pill form that can be ingested. Some common street names for Methamphetamine are meth, glass, speed, ice, crystal, crank, tweak or chalk. It was originally prescribed as a decongestant and an aid for weight loss (diet pills) which were legally available in the United States. A lot of people began to abuse it for its high which made it an illegal drug in the 1970s.
Meth Addiction
Meth has the potential to become an addictive substance very quickly. It, like most other substances triggers the release of dopamine, a feel good chemical of the brain. The dopamine neurotransmitter is responsible not just for pleasure, but also motivation, learning, reward processing, memory retention. The amount of dopamine released by the brain after the intake of meth is significantly higher than what the brain produces naturally in response to one’s experiences. This causes people to continue to take the drug to maintain the heightened pleasure feelings. And thus, the chase for the substance begins. People take the drug for many days at a time, this resulting in a building of tolerance, the person requires higher and higher doses to get the same level of intoxication. The physical effects on the body become harder to ignore with time. And if one does not take the substance, withdrawal symptoms come up which cause a lot of discomfort physically and psychologically. The cravings for meth and fear of withdrawal eventually take over every aspect of one’s life. Below are given the effects of meth, long term effects as well as withdrawal symptoms of meth addiction.
The Effects of Meth
Any illicit using of methampthetamines qualifies as abuse of meth. The drug produces a “rush” when smoked or injected. There is an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and dopamine in the brain. When snorted, there is a euphoric sensation rather than a rush. The rush from injection lasts about 30 minutes, after which those using the drug experience a steady high for 8-24 hours based on the method of consumption. Injecting produces a more potent or stronger high than the methods of snorting or smoking it, though the effects wear off sooner. Binge use is common in Meth, with people staying upand high for a few days in a row.
Common effects of Meth are:
Increased wakefulness
Decreased appetite
Aggression or aggressive behavior
Irregular heartbeat
Weight loss
Treatment for Meth Addiction
Treatment for addiction has to begin with an intervention preferably with professionals that motivates the individual to make the choice to quit. Once they agree to seek treatment, they have to be educated about inpatient and outpatient treatment options. Outpatient treatment involves consultation with psychiatrists for medical purposes and regular psychotherapy sessions with a clinical psychologist. In addition there are support groups, Narcotics anonymous groups that one can join and build community support for oneself. However, if the addiction is hampering one’s functionality which it often does with meth addiction, inpatient treatment is more preferable. Inpatient treatment is usually done in drug rehabilitation centers oreven hospitals with a distraction facility where one enrolls in a 60 day or 90 day or longer program. The patient has to stay within a safe and controlled environment where one is given regular counselling and aid to overcome their addiction. At ZorbaCare Rehabilitation Center in India, we offer a customized inpatient deaddixtion program that helps people overcome their drug or alcohol addiction.
The treatment begins with a detox phase which is to stabilize the withdrawal symptoms that one experiences after quitting meth. The risk of using again is high as craving is intense. Detox is managed by pharmacological intervention which may include medicines such as antidepressants, Naltrezone which helps reduce cravings, mild stimulants for cravings, anti anxiety medications such as fluoxetine, mood stabilizers and other medicines as per the symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may last a week or ten days but some people may go through protracted withdrawal which last for 2-3 weeks and may require more medical aid.
Psychological interventions are useful in developing new insight into factors leading to addiction, new skills, coping strategies and behavioral and emotional patterns that are helpful to maintain sobriety. Cognitive behavioral therapy is useful in addressing and implementing thought and behavior patterns that are vital in recovery. Mindfulness training is used to help people stay present and improve overall quality of life. Emotional regulation, dialectical behavior therapy and Acceptance and commitment therapy are useful in working on deep emotional issues and beliefs. In addition Family counselling, interpersonal counselling are all employed to help the person adapt to life after rehab. ZorbaCare Rehabilitation Center in Pune, India works with addicts and has a team of professionals that have experience working with meth addicts and their families. Clients are helped using all these and more therapies, their needs and goals are worked upon after customizing a treatment plan. Meth Addiction is not just treatable but the individual can discover the joy of recovery and learn to enjoy their lives without their substance.