Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai

Rehab center in Chennai for addiction and mental health.

Chennai is the leading city in Tamil Nadu state and one of the most important cities in South India. Chennai city once a laid back city of temples, a seat of education and trade in is expanding due to the IT and other sectors establishing base here. It is slowly transforming into a bustling megapolis.

This is both boon and bane. As the city of Chennai expands and there is influx of people from all over, the lifestyle is becoming more strident and people are resorting to a lifestyle which includes both the older alcohol, opium, hashish and ganja to the more modern MDMA, LSD, ecstasy and such party drugs. People are going to psychiatrists for smallest of disturbances and are getting mood changing and mind altering medications for various mental disorders. Many of such people are getting addicted to such pills. Women too are not spared. There are reports in various media of women being alcoholic or prescription pill addicts.

Drug & Alcohol Addiction in Chennai

Substance abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. The use of psychoactive substances causes significant health and social problems for the people who use them, and also for others in their families and communities. Psychoactive substance use poses a significant threat to the health, social and economic aspects of families, communities and nations. In India opioids are commonly used by IDUs. Impure heroin (smack), and buprenorphine are the most commonly used opioids in metropolitan cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Health and social problems associated with use of and dependence on tobacco, alcohol and illicit substances can be prevented by greater awareness by individuals, families and societies to use appropriate public health.

One of the biggest problems that Chennai is facing is the menace of rampant alcohol and drug abuse. From gateway drugs like marijuana, hashish and alcohol to opium, cocaine, MDMA, LSD, Ketamine and Ecstasy accompanied by prescription pill abuse, the numbers are rising very fast. Addiction is cutting across all socio*economic groups and is not limited to teenagers. Even housewives are falling prey to anti anxiety and mood changing prescription tablets. The incidence of date rape pills and other addictions is worsening in Tamil Nadu, yet not enough resources are available to battle this hidden growing epidemic.

A barrage of information is available online when you search for drug and alcohol de-addiction centers in Chennai, but it does little to address or dispel the confusion and common concerns that family members generally have in such cases. The common man still tends to shy away from sending a family member for rehabilitation in the fear that rehab centers resort to harsh treatment. It is high time that such myths and taboos are busted.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Chennai

Till some years back any addiction and alcoholism related rehabilitation had to be taken to Bengaluru or other metros for the reformation of the persons. As addiction to all the substances increased, rehabilitation centres began to mushroom in Chennai city. Drug addiction centres and alcohol addiction centres are now coming up in response to the dire need of those seeking help. These centre are the place where addicts and alcoholics can be given the information they need to understand their problem and be shown the solution.

Each person is an individual and though there is generalizing about addiction, recovery is a path each one finds for themselves with the guidance found in rehab centres in india. Addicts are taught that there is a life beyond drugs that they can find for themselves with appropriate care and rehabilitation. Normal living without the use of any mood altering substance is possible. An empowered way of life without the escape and crutch of the substance is discovered in the drug rehab centres.

Best Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai

The main aim of recovery is to help the addict to develop a belief that there is life beyond using. So if you are searching for a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai for you or a loved one, the good news is that there is bound to be an option that provides your requirements.

There are many licensed rehab centre in Chennai. Zorbacare is one such rehab in Chennai that provides the environment where those desiring to get out of their addiction can recover without the stigma of and labeling of society. Recovery is a process that requires time and the environment that suits the user. It is the comfort of knowing that there is an acceptance of the user as a person without attachment of any shame that works and of having people around who understand the pain of being an addict.

Zorbacare is one of the leading rehabilitation centres in Chennai. It provides programs of recovery from residential, non medical methods to alternate therapies and life programs for those who desire a life free from slavery to mood changing, high seeking, feeling numbing and thrill seeking. Zorbacare rehab in Chennai is a place that offers luxury rehabilitation centre in India.

Zorba is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Chennai that presents as a perfect solution. It is a luxury rehab centre that is based on willingness, low medical, client focused individualized program. Here one is introduced to tools that help deal with issues like anger, self pity, grief, shame and many other un resolved emotions and attitudes through loving, specific, and whole hearted coaching in a luxurious ambience.

The Zorba team is comprised of qualified Therapists, Psychiatrists and Recovering Peer Counselors who together develop client specific goal oriented treatment plans that help in forming new responses to life’s problems.

Zorba specializes in Destination Therapy where individuals recover and evolve away from the everyday hustle and bustle in an environment of personal choice. This procures an atmosphere of recovery in serene natural luxury removed from their daily environment, thus enabling a faster recovery and higher incidence of tranquility.

Rehabilitation Centers in Chennai

Chennai is the leading city in Tamil Nadu state and one of the most important cities in South India. Chennai city once a laid back city of temples, a seat of education and trade in is expanding due to the IT and other sectors establishing base here. It is slowly transforming into a bustling megapolis.

This is both boon and bane. As the city of Chennai expands and there is influx of people from all over, the lifestyle is becoming more strident and people are resorting to a lifestyle which includes both the older alcohol, opium, hashish and ganja to the more modern MDMA, LSD, ecstasy and such party drugs. People are going to psychiatrists for smallest of disturbances and are getting mood changing and mind altering medications for various mental disorders. Many of such people are getting addicted to such pills. Women too are not spared. There are reports in various media of women being alcoholic or prescription pill addicts.

Drug & Alcohol Addiction in Chennai

Substance abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. The use of psychoactive substances causes significant health and social problems for the people who use them, and also for others in their families and communities. Psychoactive substance use poses a significant threat to the health, social and economic aspects of families, communities and nations. In India opioids are commonly used by IDUs. Impure heroin (smack), and buprenorphine are the most commonly used opioids in metropolitan cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Health and social problems associated with use of and dependence on tobacco, alcohol and illicit substances can be prevented by greater awareness by individuals, families and societies to use appropriate public health.

One of the biggest problems that Chennai is facing is the menace of rampant alcohol and drug abuse. From gateway drugs like marijuana, hashish and alcohol to opium, cocaine, MDMA, LSD, Ketamine and Ecstasy accompanied by prescription pill abuse, the numbers are rising very fast. Addiction is cutting across all socio*economic groups and is not limited to teenagers. Even housewives are falling prey to anti anxiety and mood changing prescription tablets. The incidence of date rape pills and other addictions is worsening in Tamil Nadu, yet not enough resources are available to battle this hidden growing epidemic.

A barrage of information is available online when you search for drug and alcohol de-addiction centers in Chennai, but it does little to address or dispel the confusion and common concerns that family members generally have in such cases. The common man still tends to shy away from sending a family member for rehabilitation in the fear that rehab centers resort to harsh treatment. It is high time that such myths and taboos are busted.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Chennai

Till some years back any addiction and alcoholism related rehabilitation had to be taken to Bengaluru or other metros for the reformation of the persons. As addiction to all the substances increased, rehabilitation centres began to mushroom in Chennai city. Drug addiction centres and alcohol addiction centres are now coming up in response to the dire need of those seeking help. These centre are the place where addicts and alcoholics can be given the information they need to understand their problem and be shown the solution.

Each person is an individual and though there is generalizing about addiction, recovery is a path each one finds for themselves with the guidance found in rehab centres in india. Addicts are taught that there is a life beyond drugs that they can find for themselves with appropriate care and rehabilitation. Normal living without the use of any mood altering substance is possible. An empowered way of life without the escape and crutch of the substance is discovered in the drug rehab centres.

Best Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai

The main aim of recovery is to help the addict to develop a belief that there is life beyond using. So if you are searching for a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Chennai for you or a loved one, the good news is that there is bound to be an option that provides your requirements.

There are many licensed rehab centre in Chennai. Zorbacare is one such rehab in Chennai that provides the environment where those desiring to get out of their addiction can recover without the stigma of and labeling of society. Recovery is a process that requires time and the environment that suits the user. It is the comfort of knowing that there is an acceptance of the user as a person without attachment of any shame that works and of having people around who understand the pain of being an addict.

Zorbacare is one of the leading rehabilitation centres in Chennai. It provides programs of recovery from residential, non medical methods to alternate therapies and life programs for those who desire a life free from slavery to mood changing, high seeking, feeling numbing and thrill seeking. Zorbacare rehab in Chennai is a place that offers luxury rehabilitation centre in India.

Zorba is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Chennai that presents as a perfect solution. It is a luxury rehab centre that is based on willingness, low medical, client focused individualized program. Here one is introduced to tools that help deal with issues like anger, self pity, grief, shame and many other un resolved emotions and attitudes through loving, specific, and whole hearted coaching in a luxurious ambience.

The Zorba team is comprised of qualified Therapists, Psychiatrists and Recovering Peer Counselors who together develop client specific goal oriented treatment plans that help in forming new responses to life’s problems.

Zorba specializes in Destination Therapy where individuals recover and evolve away from the everyday hustle and bustle in an environment of personal choice. This procures an atmosphere of recovery in serene natural luxury removed from their daily environment, thus enabling a faster recovery and higher incidence of tranquility.


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