Nitrous Oxide Addiction

Laughing gas, or Nitrous Oxide, is a colorless, odourless and tasteless gas, most commonly used as a local anaesthetic by dentists. It is also commonly used in the preparation of whipped cream and as a fuel booster in the motor industry. However, in recent years, it has become a very popular recreational substance.

Nitrous oxide, also known as Whippits, Noz, Balloons, Chargers, Hippie Crack, Buzz Bombs, Nangs, N2O, NOS, etc. has become a very popular recreational drug as it is legal, cheap, readily available and undetectable on routine drug tests. It is an inhalant which means that it is inhaled, usually with the help of a balloon. It has a very rapid onset of action and creates a feeling of euphoria or giddiness, thus earning it the name of “Laughing Gas”. It also has a rapid offset, meaning that the users can resume normal activities without any hangover within a very short time of inhaling this drug.

Nitrous oxide mimics the other narcotics, even though it is not considered to be a psychoactive drug, physically. It causes an intense and quick high which results in users wanting to repeat the feeling, thus resulting in addiction. Prolonged and consistent abuse of Nitrous Oxide causes major damage to the body and can also result in death.

Nitrous Oxide addiction has varied effects depending on the acute/chronic use.

Effects of Short term use:

● Euphoria
● Uncontrolled laughter
● Uncoordinated movements
● Extreme giddiness
● Intense abstract, out of body experiences
● Hallucinations
● Dizziness
● Unconsciousness/fainting
● Short-lived but intense paranoia
● Severe headache
● Confusion
● Sweating
● Feelings of tiredness
● Loss of blood pressure

Effects of Long term abuse:

● Permanent neurological damage
● Heart attack
● Hypoxia
● Vitamin B12 deficiency
● Anaemia
● Memory loss
● Weakened immune system
● Disruption in reproductive systems
● Incontinence
● Limb Spasms
● Numbness in extremities
● buzzing/ringing in the ears
● Psychological dependence

Even though Nitrous Oxide has medical benefits, it’s abuse is dangerous and should be taken seriously as long term use can lead to permanent irreversible damage.

If you or a loved one is suffering from any drug or alcohol addiction, call ZORBACARE* at +91-8669567929 to get help today! We have multiple forms of treatment available to those suffering from substance addiction. Call today to get started on your journey of Sobriety!

*ZORBACARE is a premium Drug & Alcohol Deaddiction and Rehabilitation Centre located in Pune and Mumbai. Zorbacare specializes in treatment for men and women suffering from the ill-effects of drug abuse or alcohol abuse.


Contributed for Zorba by Ketaki Redij, Psychological Counselor & Family Therapist.



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