5 Lifestyle Changes in Addiction Recovery

Recovery from addiction is a continuous process which can change a person’s life. The effort that it takes is no easy feat and many people go through various mental or physical issues during their recovery. This is mainly because addiction to drugs or alcohol acts as a coping mechanism which helps people deal with life (in an unhealthy manner) , but in the long run becomes a problem in itself. As the coping mechanism is removed, a lot of emotions or thoughts that were hiding under the addiction come to the surface. When an individual embarks upon their journey of recovery, it is difficult for them to motivate themselves and find the strength to begin. As they go on, they realise that their addiction runs deeper than they realised. A lot of emotional baggage comes to the surface and can be distressful for the individual. Over time, through their treatment program or in their recovery they learn new skills and ways to deal with their internal and external challenges.

Any treatment program, be it an outpatient or inpatient setting such as a rehabilitation center for drug or alcohol addiction , focuses on behavior changes in an individual before working on deeper issues. Addiction to drugs or alcohol requires serious support and a positive environment to facilitate the start of recovery. A lifestyle change is one of the first things that an individual works on. This lifestyle change involves a lot of things ranging from detox and focus on physical health to cultivating positive habits. In this article, we are outlining some of the major lifestyle changes that a person on recovery needs to make to begin the treatment process. Regardless of whether a person is in a rehabilitation or wellness center or taking treatment from a clinic, they can all exercise these changes.

1. Detox from all substances

Recovery begins with a total abstinence from drugs or alcohol, to allow the body and mind to recover from the problems caused by the substances. Though some people gradually try to wean themselves off the substance, a period of abstinence is recommended by most professionals. In this period the body undergoes a detox in which there may also be physical withdrawal from the drug or alcohol (sweating, tremors, nausea, digestive issues, poor sleep, mood swings, etc). Managing the detox period with pharmacological and psychological assistance is most beneficial for individuals starting their recovery. A healthy body and mind, unadulterated by substances is a vital part of imbibing new skills and behaviors in recovery.

2. Improving physical health

An important lifestyle change is taking care of one’s physical health through exercise and a nutritious diet. Many individuals require a medical proffesional who can guide them to improve their health. Once the body starts becoming stronger in the detox stage, working on one’s weight, food habits, sleep are a very important part of recovery. Inculcating a healthy lifestyle is a long term goal for a person in recovery as that is the first thing that suffers when addiction develops.

3. Regular Counselling

Counseling and psychotherapy is for everyone as everyone can improve their mental health in today’s day and age. An individual in recovery can, through counselling, receive a safe and nonjudgmental space for expression, opportunity to explore the inner workings of their minds and resolve their issues with the help of a competent therapist. Becoming aware of one’s thought or emotional patterns that have been unhelpful, defense and coping mechanisms, emotional reactions, attitudes, is a useful aid in maintaining recovery and in fact is the cornerstone of the recovery of millions of people.  Regular counselling and follow up sessions are required to sustain one’s mental health in a positive direction on the long run.

4. Cultivating a hobby or interest

When one is addicted to substances, the brain’s reward system is wired to respond to the substance alone. Excessive dopamine release (happiness hormone) while using the substance makes the brain dependent on the substance to feel good, thus making one loose interest in previously pleasurable activities. When one comes into recovery, the void left by the substance is felt and one needs to rewire their reward system to release dopamine for other activities. Hence cultivating interests or hobbies is a very important part of recovery. Doing something just for fun, such as learning a musical instrument, playing a sport, reading, exploring topics of interest helps one prevent relapses in the long run.

5. Meditation and Mindfulness Practices

There has been a lot of research evidence that supports the positive impact of meditation and mindfulness on stress, anxiety, emotional disturbance, mood and general quality of life and well being. It helps in managing and even reducing craving for substances. It helps one deal with the triggers for craving. Doing a simple meditation for 15-30 mins a day has shown great results. The point is to learn to be more aware, more present, practice mindfulness and an attitude of acceptance. We suffer mostly when we think in the past or the future, it is when we are present we can deal with situations and emotional more effectively. Meditation and mindfulness practices are eventually going to be a part of everyone’s lifestyle and are a very important area for people in recovery to work on.

6. Being Expressive

In addiction, a person starts to isolate themselves due to emotional instability or the need to hide their substance taking or continue it without interruptions or issues. When they come into recovery, sharing their issues, thoughts and feelings with others helps them process a lot of it. Sharing is an incredibly useful tool for recovery as it helps one relate and identify with others, instead of feeling bottled up. The tendency to suppress or hide our negative thoughts or emotions is very common and is also very dangerous for a person in recovery. They need to learn to be able to share their thoughts or cravings of substance, their unresolved issues, anxieties and so on with those close to them or with professionals in mental health care.

These are a few of the lifestyle changes that are useful to those in recovery. There are many more which may even differ from person to person. At Zorbacare Rehabilitation Center for Drug and Alcohol addiction, located in Pune we create a conducive environment that helps one achieve all the above mentioned lifestyle changes. Designing and implementing a treatment plan that is customized for the needs and goals of the individual is the next step.
 We help individuals to sustain a healthy lifestyle and also through counselling address the blocks and challenges one faces to implement the changes. Sustaining long term recovery and adequate mental health care needs one to keep identifying the road blocks and working on them. Remember, recovery is a process, a continuous process, not a destination.

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