Behavior patterns of persons addicted to substances

Most families of substance abuse victims know nothing about the addiction until it becomes an inferno. They see their loved one slowly change before their eyes; they notice the change in behavior that they can’t understand. They see their child, husband, brother, sister, wife deteriorate until the problem is staring them in the face.

So what are the signs that tell us that there is a potential storm coming?

Addiction is defined in many ways but commonly it is a condition wherein a person experiments or tries out the experience of imbibing a drug or alcohol for the pleasurable effect it causes and then progresses to the point where they are compelled to use their choice high even against their own will..Obviously this leads to a negative impact on almost all parts of a person’s life that most times the person addicted can’t see. They don’t seem to understand the problem itself, its extent and its effects. This isn’t because of some moral lack or weak character. Research has shown that it should be considered medically as there are physical and chemical changes in the neurology of the brain itself, caused by the prolonged use of substances. An addict/ alcoholic will be forced against their own will to continue using despite consequences. Without intervention and treatment, preferably at a rehabilitation centre in India like Zorba, it is unlikely that the addict’s behavior and using will end.

Behavior patterns that point toward Addiction:

Among all the changing, confusing and illogical behaviors of and alcoholic/addict, some have been identified as definite red flags. Below is an overview of some of the typical behaviors of an addict:

  • Change in timetable: Most young addicts/ alcoholics will show a change in their daily activities. Their timetable will shift. Late nights, late wakeup, eating at odd hours, loss of appetite/ increase in appetite, and even either constipation or loose motions are all signs that may indicate the beginning if drug/ alcohol use.
  • Lying/ becoming secretive: Most of the substance users know their using will not be appreciated by their family, so there is a need to hide this part of their lives. Where before the person was open and communicative, now they tend to keep their thoughts and activities to themselves. When questioned there is lying or refusal to answer. 
  • Defensiveness:  As using  and its associated activities, friends , highs become more important to the person, any questioning will be taken as a threat and they will react in multiple defensive ways like lying, avoidance, anger, aggressiveness, blaming, shouting, scene creating and so many more such.
  • Criminality: This is a scary one. As addiction progresses, the need to hide it, and to fund it  a certain forces the addict to learn to fund their addiction by misusing the family money, accounts, stealing, and other wrong, violent,  or illegal means. Alcoholics will hide their bottles in various places so there wont be any restriction on their using. Tablet users will forge prescriptions, and almost all will have engaged in driving under the influence putting themselves and others at risk.
  • Manipulation: The addict/ alcoholic will say anything to continue using.  False promises, manipulating through blaming, anggression, lying, guilt inducing, anything at all. They get really good at alibis and reasons for their behavior. Most times denial is used as the primary tactic when confronted. As the family and loved ones desire to believe the addict, they fall prey, delude themselves and try to believe the lies
  • Irresponsibility: Most addicts will begin to shirk almost all responsibilities and even simple personal hygiene becomes too much effort as addiction progresses. They will shift the blame for their behavior and refuse to accept their responsibility.
  • Isolation: As the substance use increases, the addict will prefer to be use alone. Their world becomes small and they become lonely. Their entire focus is the substance.  Their fear of being responsible for their own selves and their behavior leads them to avoid all contact as far as possible.
  • Living Unrealistically: Basically people who have unrealistic life views and expectations are those prone to get into such addictive state. These people refuse to accept life as it is, want everyone and everything to be the way they want it and feel threatened by the responsibility for their own selves. They use and abuse people and become extremely self centered.

Considering the above it is at Zorbacare the best rehab in the luxury category where these behaviors are addressed in a loving, respectful and nonjudgmental manner. Here at Zorbacare rehab in pune at our residential centre, we employ different forms of therapy that make the addict alcoholic take responsibility, lose self centered attitudes and change mindset.

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