Euphoric Recall in Addiction: Understanding the Phenomenon and Finding Ways to Cope

What is Euphoric Recall:

Wikipedia defines Euphoric recall is a psychological term for the tendency of people to remember past experiences in a positive light, while overlooking negative experiences associated with some event(s). Euphoric recall has been cited as a factor in substance dependence, as well as anger problems. Individuals may become obsessed with recreating the remembered pleasures of the past.
It is used to describe the tendency to remember only the positive parts of past experiences while forgetting or minimizing the negative aspects, consequences, or difficulties associated with the same event. The incredible twisting and warping of reality convinces you that the bad wasn’t so bad and the good was out-of-this-world fantastic. “What wonderful times were those!!!”

Signs you’re Experiencing Euphoric Recall:

Romanticizing the past minimizes the complications and discomforts associated with substance use disorders. It is common and problematic as one moves forward in recovery. Everyone experiences euphoric recall where we embellish the positives and overlook the negatives. When shopping, one may purchase a thing because one wants it, without concern for the reliability of the product. Or one might date someone one suspects was not reliable.
When confronted with reality, most people do not change their position or opinion. They do something even more mystifying; they justify their original decisions. This is especially prominent in substance use disorders where one is capable of mentally using the substance only remembering the high not the consequent withdrawals.

How does the mind work:

Thinking about pleasant times is in fact pleasant. Recalling a recent win in a game or argument, having a pleasant dinner with friends, or an exhilarating sexual experience are all pleasurable. Amazingly, this can be even more pleasant than the real event. Why? Because the same part of the brain that is stimulated during a pleasant experience is also activated in recall. But this biochemical process allows us to exaggerate the positive, justify the costs, and minimize the consequences, leaving only the sanitized memory fragments behind. The danger is this progression could eventually undermine forward motion, amplify the benefits of using, and minimize the penalties of relapse. This cycle can keep you trapped without you even realizing the danger you are in.
Psychologist Terrence Gorski wrote: “When we are in euphoric recall, we remember and exaggerate pleasurable memories of past chemical use episodes. Then we block or repress our bad memories of drug use or deny the pain associated with them.”

Euphoric recall can have both mental and physical manifestations. These can include

• blocking out negative consequences from past behaviors
• a sudden, pessimistic view of new life in recovery
• obsessing over the past behaviors, daydreaming about the fun of past behaviors
• reaching out to friends that are active in undesirable behaviors
• depression
• mood swings
• hopelessness
• irritability
• an increased heart rate
• inability to concentrate

Allowing the mind only to remember the positive might signal the avoidance of dealing with current reality.
It can benefit a person to quickly recognize when their thoughts are trying to lead them astray. Picture it as ‘keeping your brain on a short leash.’
Once you can identify that you are in euphoric recall and choose to stop it, you can use one (or many) of these coping strategies.
How Does Euphoric Recall Impact Recovery?
Euphoric recall can relate to any affliction and become a challenging part of the recovery process.
The intense memory activates the same brain areas as the original act, so it might even feel better during euphoric recall than the event itself.
The part that gets left out is the danger of the situation and the potential for hurt caused by risky behavior.
Someone struggling with drug addiction might remember instances of substance use and focus on the pleasurable effects. Failing to recognize the negative realities (such as worsening health, withdrawal symptoms, wrong decisions made under the influence, etc.) may prompt the cycle of addiction.
The risk of focusing on only the positive aspects is, of course, temptation leading to relapse.

Anhedonia is common for those in early recovery. Many people feel emotionally numb, and life can seem boring without substance use or extreme acts.
Acting out on sexual compulsions and substance use keeps the brain’s pleasure center stimulated for extended periods. It produces excess chemicals and will again during euphoric recall. Prolonged periods flooded with high chemical levels (such as dopamine and serotonin) can lead to anhedonia. In this state, a person is unable to gain pleasure from regular activities.
Ultimately, anhedonia can lead to engaging in risky behavior in the hope of feeling something once again.
Another result of euphoric recall is positive expectancy. The brain minimizes the negative impacts of engaging in undesirable behavior or substance use. A person starts to believe that addiction was better.
Positive expectancy can also relate to Distortions in thinking caused by anhedonia. It can make a person believe that good outcomes will follow undesired actions. They might think the drug or behavior is the catalyst for success at work, school, or relationships.
People in early recovery often face problems for the first time instead of self-medicating or masking them with compulsive behavior. The mindset of this thinking is not uncommon but can lead to poor judgment or even relapse.
Euphoric recall is not the same thing as a craving, but it can signal one’s onset. The mind will rationalize engaging in risky behaviors or substance use and bolster reasoning by romanticizing memories via euphoric recall.
There are ways to reduce the intensity of euphoric recall through relaxation techniques and grounding exercises.
Some may even have to move to a different environment, away from triggering people or locations.
Still, overcoming a craving to prevent relapse can be an immense challenge during recovery.
How to Cope with Euphoric Recall:
The negative recall technique challenges a person to focus on the reality of addiction. Looking back on the results of behavior can re-frame euphoric recall and see it for what it was.
An active way to use negative recall is to replace pleasure aspects with the consequences of engaging in sexual activity or substance use.
How will it feel the morning after? When the high is gone, will it have been worth it? By keeping reality in focus, the power of euphoric recall diminishes.
For those in a Twelve-Step program, the 8th and 9th steps involve listing harms done and then making amends– this is a practice in negative recall.
Someone at risk of being swept up in euphoric recall can use grounding techniques to snap back into the present moment. Grounding activates the senses and brings awareness to the Now.
There are many simple and immediately available options to help ground an individual. Here are a few examples:
• Drink herbal tea, note all the individual flavors
• Take off your shoes and feel the grass, sand, or earth between the toes
• Feel the texture of the chair you are sitting on or the fabric of your clothes
• Use aromatherapy or essential oils to anchor your senses through pleasant smells
• Take a bite of something and savor each ingredient
• Create something. Draw a picture, write a poem, play an instrument
Anything that helps you attune to your surroundings, the five senses, and the present moment will help ground and aid in self-soothing.

Developing a yoga or meditation practice can promote stillness of the mind, giving the person experiencing euphoric recall a powerful tool to deal with unwanted thoughts. A mantra can help recenter positivity as well.
Meditation is not the mastery over one’s thoughts but instead the recognition of them. The point of reflection is not to control what happens in the mind but to observe thoughts as they appear without reacting.
Breathing techniques can provide an instant sense of calm and reduce intense feelings that arise during euphoric recall. Deep, regulated breathing is also a grounding technique that one can do at any time, in any place.
Sometimes, nothing can feel better than just getting it off your chest. Develop a supportive environment.
When euphoric recall becomes overwhelming, a trusted ear might be just what is needed. Having someone close, that is trustworthy and without judgment can be an incredible relief.
Being open and honest with another person can be cathartic. Choose someone who will hold you accountable without finding fault and adding shame. Treatment personnel in drug and alcohol rehab and sober friends who have been there before can help you identify and steer clear of potential pitfalls.
Additionally, at Zorbacare the best rehab in India, they will help you see the euphoria emerge in your presentation of your past.
Alcohol and drug rehabs know your history well enough to see where you have neglected or minimized a few important details (such as DUIs, jail time, the pain of withdrawal, a divorce, lost income, and reputation damage) due to a substance abuse disorder.
Recovery is a journey. Enjoy the ride!

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