
There is nothing mumbo-jumbo about meditation. While the medium of instruction is a little on the spiritual side (only for ease of understanding), the deliverables are immense. Meditation is the most effective way to set brain function right. It heals all the neural networks. Research shows that meditation causes an increase in gray matter in the parts of the brain associated with learning, memory, self-awareness and introspection. It also shows a decrease in gray matter in areas linked to anxiety and stress.

Meditation helps regulate the secreation and flow of hormones like dopamine and serotonin, which define the mood and emotions of an addict.

By changing how the brain processes self-awareness, introspection, anxiety, and stress, addicts can reasonably evaluate everyday situations, and react to them more appropriately – without the help of drugs or alcohol. Meditation’s positive effect on stress and anxiety is especially important because both are frequent triggers for relapse.

In general, meditation is a practice that allows a person to focus on any number of things. For example, addicts may use it to slow down their breathing and calm their nerves when they’re feeling anxious or stressed. This helps reduce the negative feelings that compel addicts to reach for substances. It may also be used to connect in spiritual ways during recovery. Many individuals use meditation to connect with a higher power through prayers or mantras. Feeling connected to a higher power has helped many addicts stay on the path of recovery.


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